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Motion Pictures

A full service, independent motion picture production company

We provide pre-production, production, equipment, industry experience and post-production services to select independent and arthouse projects for intended theatrical release.

Introducing Digilogue Raw Digital Processing Services and Quality standard. "The Overseer" will be the first ever Digilogue Motion Picture Production.


The Overseer (2016, feature) Directed by J. Mark Inman; Musical/Thriller.

When a sociopath with political ambitions is promoted to overseer and given a paid vacation, he finds himself venting his underlying psychological frustrations by stalking and murdering others, only to discover that the homeless girl he's been psychologically tormenting has caught him in the act of killing. Now in order to win the election, he must silence her and protect himself from her accusations.

The Making of a Superhero Musical (2015, short) Directed by Reuben Baron; Niche Comedy/Mockumentary

The lead star of Clockmen the Musical has asked the production to include his narcisistic drama queen girlfriend Brina as the lead female on a seemingly cursed production. Complications arise when Brina believes she has been possessed by a Succubus and discovers the producer has been keeping some dark secrets.

Guy and Madeline on a Park Bench (2010, feature) Directed by Damien Chazelle; Musical/Romance

Guy, A Jazz trumpeter and Madeline, an unemployed introvert have been dating for three months, but Guy's eye is caught by a more outgoing Elena and now Madeline is left cold and needs to rebuild her life. She changes apartments, finds a job, takes up an nstrument, and goes on dates, but nothing clicks until she travels to New York on a Whim and meets a Frenchamn named Paul. Meanwhile, Guy's relationship with Elena isn't going very well and he resolves to win back Madeline. But is it too late for them to start again when he finds her?